Monday, March 8, 2010

When will it stop?

After lecture this morning I began to think about how hightech is too hightech? When will all the updating stop? Before too long don't you think that we may become to hightech with gadgets, computers, and robots that we may eventually create something that could take us out? Who knows how this will all end up, hopefully not like the movie I-Robot. But with all these gadgets making life so much more easy for us wont it make our society lazy? I have already heard from several people that my generation is lazy and noone wants to work. So if we continue to get more and more inventions that make life easier for us I feel that this may becoming more and more true. I found a pretty good video that contains some good inventions and then some inventions that just kind of make you shake your head! (The ice cream cone just makes me laugh)

Picture from:

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